May Member of the Month

Meet our May 2024 Member of the Month: Kristin Brown

Since joining us, Kristin has been the textbook definition of "consistency". She has even benefited from a "private" Olympic Lifting class with Coach Kevin, because she was the only that showed up! She is making big gains in her strength and aerobic capacity and she just recently celebrated 100 classes!

We are so thankful Kristin is part of our CFT family!

MAY 2024:

Kristin Brown

What led you to try CrossFit?

  • I wanted a structured workout that would challenge me.

What is your favorite part about CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • The friends I have made. I didn't know anyone in Tullahoma & now I have people!

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFIt?

  • Increased endurance and upper body muscle development.

Any advice for someone just starting?

  • DON'T QUIT! It will become addictive soon.

What is your favorite / least favorite workout? Why?

  • I love anything with the barbell because it makes me feel like a bad ass. I hate the rope because I can't do it YET.

What are your top 5 to-do's / restaurant recommendations in Tullahoma area?

              1. Applebee's

               2. Blue Gill Grill

               3. Kami Sushi

               4. Common John Brewery

                5. London's

April Member of the Month

One of our newest members that embodies “CONSISTENCY” is Jennifer Munsey.

Jennifer has been a member less than a year and has continued to push through many health barriers without complaining!

She is a true example of how CrossFit can change your life with consistency and determination.

We are so thankful to have her in our CrossFit Tullahoma family!

APRIL 2024:

Jennifer Munsey

What led you to try CrossFit?

  • I first tried CrossFit on July 4 when invited by my sister. Julia invited me back again in August, and I loved the workouts.

What is your favorite part about CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • I love that everyone supports and encourages others.

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • My A1C dropped almost 2 points in less than six months!

Any advice for someone just starting?

  • Crossfit is you vs. you. Everyone has to determine their own strengths, weaknesses, and limits. It's your workout, and you challenge yourself. 

What is your favorite / least favorite workout? Why?

  • I love deadlifts. They have always been a strength for me.

If you could be on any tv show, reality or not, what would it be and why?

  • I love old TV. I would love to be on the old black and white Andy Griffith Show. It is funny without being vulgar or crass, and everyone looked out for everyone else.

March Member of the Month

Continuing into 2024, we want to highlight our focus on “CONSISTENCY”.

For our March Member of the Month, we chose to highlight our most consistent member in the afternoon classes.

Bethany is a friendly face that loves to help engage with new members and will become their biggest supporter!

We are so thankful to have her in our CrossFit Tullahoma family!

MARCH 2024:

Bethany McKee

What led you to try CrossFit?

  • A friend invited me to come give it a try on New Year’s Day. Having already been intrigued by it after seeing friends’ success, the invitation was just the push I needed to jump in!

What is your favorite part about CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • The community is my favorite part and what keeps me coming back! I’ve met many of my best friends at CFT. Through all phases of life, the members here support each other. I love that everyone is different and celebrated!

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • Prioritizing my health— Before CrossFit, I tried to get my workouts in but was easily swayed to other looming tasks. Now, I hate to miss a day, and I understand how important it is for me to feel my best! I have fun while working out, and I love the ever-changing nature of CrossFit!

Any advice for someone just starting?

  • Keep going! You will see little changes, and those little changes will add up to bigger changes— just don’t give up.  Also, listen to your coaches. They have valuable knowledge that helps you progress safely.

What is your favorite / least favorite workout? Why?

  • My favorite movements are in the workout DT— I love to lift heavy (as long as it’s not snatching or overhead squatting-ha!) and DT checks that box!

  • My least favorite is the hero WOD “Chad” (1000 box step-ups).

What are you looking forward to most in the new year? What are your goals for the new year??

  • My word for this year is “intentional”. I’m working on applying that word to each area of my life— including the gym. When I’m there, I want everything— from the warm up to the cool down— to be focused and important.

  • I had a baby 19 months ago, so intentionality is important as I work to gain back more difficult skills— celebrating these gains is what I’m most excited about this year!

February Member of the Month

Continuing into 2024, we want to highlight our focus on “CONSISTENCY”.

For our February Member of the Month, we chose to highlight our most consistent member in 2023. Since we started using PushPress in March 2023,

Alysha has had the most class check-ins overall.

Alysha is a welcoming face in our gym and definitely leads by example. We are lucky to have her in our CrossFit Tullahoma family!


Alysha Graves

What led you to try CrossFit?

  • I was in a workout slump doing the same workouts every week.  I needed a change and something that would challenge me.  

What is your favorite part about CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • It is the people. I love a good workout, but I also love seeing my friends every day. We lean on each other for difficult times and laugh at each other's silly stories. There are many people from our CrossFit Family that I know that I could call and they would help me with anything I needed. 

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • The ability to complete the difficult movements that I couldn't complete at my previous CrossFit gym.  

Any advice for someone just starting?

  • Don't be intimidated by the stigma of CrossFit. Listen to the coaches, everything can be scaled. Nobody is watching or judging you, they are focused on getting through the workout. If they are looking at you, it is to cheer you on.  

What is your favorite / least favorite workout? Why?

  • My favorite movements are JUMP ROPE DAYS (not double unders), box jumps, rope climbs, deadlifts, deadlift high pulls, handstand movements, air squats, and GHDs... I love those because they really get my heart rate up and they are very satisfying when you finish.

  • My least favorites are the slow pace weight only days, even though I realize that they are needed, and wall balls (only because I consistently do them incorrectly).

If you could compare yourself with one animal, which would it be and why?

  • Kangaroo (characteristics pulled from Google): ACTION, VARIETY, FUN. Kangaroos are usually quite playful, friendly, and fun, and seem to thrive on movement and variety. They will enjoy learning through direct personal experience, and the more realistic and interactive learning can be made, the better.

January Member of the Month

As we begin 2024, we encourage everyone to focus on “CONSISTENCY”. This means consistency at the gym (aka Committed Club helps with that), but also consistency in all areas of life (nutrition, sleep, positive mindset, etc).

For our first Member of the Month, we chose someone that exemplifies “consistency”. She has attended an average of 5 classes per week for the last 7 years, only missing for sickness or listening to her body and letting herself sleep when it is needed.

We are proud of the example she continues to be for our community.


Amber Charboneau

What led you to try CrossFit?

  • I had been working out at home for a little over a year and was in pretty good shape, but I was getting bored with my workouts. My husband suggested CrossFit because he thought I needed more of a challenge in my workouts. I agreed and went to my first class in April 2016. I was instantly hooked!

What is your favorite part about CrossFit Tullahoma?

  • The people! Also, the fact that every workout is unique!

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit?

  • I’ve gone through menopause during my time here and have gained some weight. Even though I super scale most workouts, I consistently set fitness goals for myself (in my head). I never did this before CrossFit and through CrossFit, I’ve learned that my fitness goals can continually change (just like life).

Any advice for someone just starting?

  • Take it slow and listen to YOUR body. Don’t worry about if the person next to you is faster and stronger. You are just starting and you do not want to end up getting hurt!

What is your favorite / least favorite workout and why?

  • Favorite - “Annie”. Body workouts are my favorite! I also really like burpees - they’re the BEST functional fitness movement!

  • Least Favorite - anything that includes snatches.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why would you want it?

  • I would love to be able to see into the future - I’m a bit of a control freak, so I like to know what’s going on.